Supported Causes
Buy a Mat, Plant a Tree
Since 1989, Trees for the Future has been helping communities around the world plant trees. Through seed distribution, agroforestry training, and our country programs, we have empowered rural groups to restore tree cover to their lands. Planting trees protects the environment and helps to preserve traditional livelihoods and cultures for generations.

Buy a Towel, Provide Fresh Water
The Water Project is a non-profit organization that is bringing relief to communities around the world who suffer needlessly from lack of access to clean water. Through your support we invest in proven partners who are drilling fresh water wells, providing sanitation and hygiene training and constructing other sustainable water projects.

Buy a Block, Preserve Rainforest
Our mission is to preserve tropical rainforest ecosystems, their indigenous people and cultures at the local level through enabling volunteerism and through community education, and at the international level through technical and financial support for recognized organizations involved in the conservation of tropical rain forests.

Trees for the Future
Our flagship partner, Trees for the Future is dedicated to planting trees with rural communities in the developing world, enabling them to restore their environment, grow more food, and build a sustainable future. Trees for the Future has tree-planting efforts in Burundi, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda. They have helped plant trees in an incredible range of environments from coastal areas to mountains, restoring soil that had been unproductive for decades or even hundreds of years. On the islands of the Pacific, the combination of high tides and heavy rains brings great danger to the people of the coastal plains. Trees for the future is working with local groups in Indonesia and the Philippines to restore tree cover to upland areas, so the land can absorb more water during storms and reduce the likelihood of flooding and mudslides. Other projects in India aim to restore trees to both drought-stricken and flood-ridden sections. Trees for the Future is also planting trees in Haiti, Brazil, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In 2011, Trees for the Future’s Haiti Program delivered three critical services – tree planting, agroforestry training, and technical assistance – to local farmers in three regions of the country: the Arcadine Coast, Chaine des Chaos, and Gonaives. In Honduras, Trees for the Future planted more than a million trees in conjunction with one of our local partners. Jade works with Trees for the Future by providing funding for these projects, planting one tree for every mat sold – the more mats sold, the more trees there will be for the future. Through our buy a mat, plant a tree program, we have now planted over ONE MILLION trees.
The Water Project
The Water Project, Inc. has the lofty goal of unlocking human potential by providing sustainable water projects to communities in sub-Saharan Africa who suffer needlessly from a lack of access to clean water and proper sanitation. For over seven years, The Water Project has been helping communities gain access to clean, safe water by providing training, expertise and financial support for water project construction through our staff and implementing partners. The Water Project operates by:
- Going and Doing – They don’t just write checks. They are deeply involved in the hard work of providing water.
- Taking Risks – They invest in new and growing partners whose contributions are crucial to solving the water crisis.
- Making Mistakes – Risks and mistakes go hand in hand. It happens. They share our experience so others won’t repeat them.
- Always Listening – There is much to glean from our neighbors.
Jade supports the Water Project through sales of our microfiber towels by providing funding with each towel sold to supply drinking water for one adult in the developing world for 30 days.
Rainforest Trust
Rainforests are one of the most important natural resources on Earth, and affect the daily lives of everyone on our planet. They safely store billions of tons of carbon, helping to mitigate climate change and stabilize global weather patterns. Rainforests are also home to 50% of the world’s species (many of which are critically endangered) and thousands of indigenous communities rely on these forests for their food, water and economic prosperity. In short, rainforests help to sustain life on this planet, and their long-term protection is absolutely vital for our survival. Rainforest Trust ensures the protection of these vital ecosystems through partnerships with local communities and trusted in-country partner NGOs. The charity has already saved over 20 million acres of rainforest and other tropical ecosystems, and aims to place 50 million acres under permanent protection by the end of 2020. Through our partnership, Jade is able to preserve 2,000 square feet of rainforest with each cork block that is sold.
Living Beyond Breast Cancer
Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC) is dedicated to assisting you, whether you are newly diagnosed, in treatment, recently completed treatment, are years beyond or are living with metastatic breast cancer. We are also here for your family members, caregivers, friends and healthcare providers to provide breast cancer information and support.
As a national education and support organization, our goal is to connect people with trusted breast cancer information and a community of support, regardless of educational background, social support or financial means. We support LBBC by donating a portion of proceeds from the sale of our pink mats.
Unite For Her
Since 2009, Unite for HER has worked to bridge the gap between the medical and wellness communities by educating women diagnosed with breast cancer about complementary therapies, providing them with a compassionate resource for support, knowledge and healing. Jade provides 100 mats per year to Unite for Her to be used as part of their wellness day for breast cancer survivors.
Dara’s Defense
Dara’s Defense exists to provide advocacy, education and support for women and families that are affected by Ovarian Cancer. Jade donates annually to Dara’s defense from the sale of teal mats and last year funded scholarships for a ovarian cancer survivor and friend to attend a weekend yoga retreat at Kripalu.
The Monell Center
As the the world’s only independent, non-profit scientific institute dedicated to interdisciplinary basic research on the senses of taste and smell Monell might seem like a strange partner for Jade. However, in partnership with doctors from Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, the Penn Veterinary School and the Penn Nanotechnology Center, Monell is doing some very promising research into early detection of ovarian cancer – which is vital in successful outcomes. This team has managed to train dogs to smell the difference between a drop of blood of someone who has ovarian cancer and someone who does not. The next step is to build a machine using nanotechnology to do what the dogs can do using tubes of carbon that are one atom thick. If they can build this machine the hope is one day that doctors can provide a simple test for ovarian cancer in their office. Thanks again to the sale of Teal mats, Jade has been able to provide significant support for this project.
National Ovarian Cancer Foundation
The mission of the NOCC is to save lives by fighting tirelessly to prevent and cure ovarian cancer, and to improve the quality of life for survivors. More than 20,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year, and approximately 15,000 women die annually from the disease. Unfortunately, most cases are diagnosed in their later stages when the prognosis is poor. However, if diagnosed and treated early, when the cancer is confined to the ovary, the five-year survival rate is over 90 percent. That is why it is imperative that the early signs and symptoms of the disease are recognized, not only by women, but also by their families and the medical community.
NAA New York Metro
NAA is a chapter of the National Autism Association. The Mission of the New York Chapter of the NAA is to educate and empower those in the Autism community, never giving up in the search to help affected individuals reach their full potential. The chapter is led by parents, grandparents, caregivers, and professionals working with children affected by autism spectrum disorders, and their families
National Autism Association
NAA is a parent-run advocacy organization and the leading voice on urgent issues related to severe autism, regressive autism, autism safety, autism abuse, and crisis prevention.
Ashrams for Autism
Ashrams for Autism seeks to empower and guide the autism community toward peacefully achieving their highest potential through yoga. Our vision is to build facilities where individuals can follow a healthy, daily routine inspired by the principles of an ashram. We believe a sanctuary such as this will promote productivity, confidence and a sense of security for those with autism.
Kinney Center
Kinney Center for Autism Education and Support has a two-fold mission: to educate and train the autism professionals of tomorrow, while supporting and serving the individuals and families affected by autism today. The Kinney Center aims to improve the lives of individuals and families managing an autism diagnosis, while training compassionate and dedicated professionals empowered and capable of fulfilling our mission beyond our walls.
Other Supported Causes Include:
- Off the Mat, Into the World – http://www.offthematintotheworld.com
- Global Mala – http://www.globalmala.org
- Yokid – http://www.yokid.org
- Art of Yoga Program – http://www.theartofyogaproject.org
- Africa Yoga Project – http://www.africayogaproject.com
- Vitamin Angels – http://www.vitaminangels.org
- Yoga Behind Bars – http://www.yogabehindbars.org