There is no question that Jade is its community and without our community, we would not exist. From the very beginning, Jade mats came from listening to you – the yoga community, what you needed and what you wanted. Without one of you telling us the problem with slippery mats, we would not have developed a non-slip mat. Without one of you asking for more colours, we might still be selling only blue and purple mats. Without one of you asking for a wide mat and a thicker mat, we would not have developed those. Without one of you telling us you wanted us to make a teal mat to raise money for ovarian cancer, we would not have raised over $100,000 so far. Even more important, without word of mouth, we never would have made it out of our first year to this place where we are now – with our mats used all over the world. So, we are grateful for all the help our community has provided us. We would not be where we are without you. Keep up the good work!